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Affordable Range of Products & Services tailored to satisfy each families unique wishes & individual budget.
Custom Monuments & Engraving
DiBonaco Memorials is the premier supplier of custom monumental products & services in Southeastern MA offering a wide range of products & services including granite & bronze products uniquely customized for each client's specific need.
Additional Products and Services Offered Include:
On-site monument lettering
Memorial cleaning
Granite & metal vases & urns
Granite & porcelain pictures
Bronze plaques
Other Custom Products & Creations

A unique fixture, granite benches can be engraved and utilized within cemeteries in lieu of a traditional monument.

With a multitude of shapes, sizes and colors, we can provide you with a stone that fits your family's needs.

A versatile alternative option for sections in cemeteries that restrict the use of upright monuments or as an affordable alternative for a simple memorial.
Our seamless customer service approach allows for easy comparative costing and simple contract terms.
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